Friday, January 30, 2015

The next epidemic caused by inadequate care for chronic pain sufferers

Adaptation to the limits posed by government on legitimate chronic pain sufferers - trying their best to live as close to a normal life as possible.
D E Emison
Since the crackdown on pill mill mills, which was necessary,  many legitimate pain patients have felt the crunch as the government went too far, making it harder for them to live healthy lives despite their illnesses.  The result, dangerous alternatives, persons living in pain to the point of suicide.  Persons no longer to enjoy the freedom of integrating with family and friend, bound to bed or couches, with a minimal of medications while the industry plows on looking for alternatives.  In the meantime, many are doing whatever necessary to live their lives the best they can.  Even if it means risking their lives for a short term of happiness.

By the government’s actions, a new and more dangerous option has opened to legitimate patients:  Illicit drugs.  Where the Suppliers feel no pressure from the AMA, DEA, or other organizations.  And where they can procure medication allowing them to live their lives with minimal pain, while pursuing what dreams they may have left, dreams as simple as playing with children, visiting parks, and spending time with family and friends.
An unforeseen consequence of sorts.  In Florida for example, for every decrease in overdose deaths by Oxycontin, the brand name of the powerful and widely reported abused drug Oxycodone found in such pills as its namesake, and Percocet, reported by State Medical Examiners Offices, there were two increases for overdose by Heroin.  That is only what is known and reported!  Where instead of overdose deaths, Hepatitis C, finally brought to a controlled level with modern antiviral medications, and even HIV have the potential to resurface and increase spreading like never before!